Day Care Chemotherapy

At Meridian Hospital, we understand that a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. We are committed to providing comprehensive and convenient care throughout your treatment journey. Our Day Care Chemotherapy program allows you to receive your chemotherapy treatment in a comfortable and supportive environment, while still returning home the same day.

What is Day Care Chemotherapy?

Day care chemotherapy refers to the administration of chemotherapy medication in a specialized outpatient setting. This eliminates the need for an overnight hospital stay, allowing you to return to the comfort of your home after your treatment. This approach is suitable for patients undergoing chemotherapy regimens that can be safely completed within a few hours.

Benefits of Day Care Chemotherapy at Meridian Hospital:

  • Convenience: Day care chemotherapy allows you to maintain a sense of normalcy in your life by returning home the same day. This can be particularly beneficial for patients who have family or work obligations.
  • Comfort: Our dedicated day care unit is designed to provide a comfortable and relaxing environment for your treatment. Our recliners and private treatment areas allow you to rest and recuperate during your infusion.
  • Reduced Cost: Day care chemotherapy is generally less expensive compared to inpatient hospitalization.
  • Supportive Care: Our team of experienced nurses will be by your side throughout your treatment, monitoring your vitals, administering medications, and addressing any concerns you may have.
  • Psychological Well-being: The familiar environment of your home can contribute to a more positive treatment experience.

Who is a Candidate for Day Care Chemotherapy?

The suitability of day care chemotherapy depends on several factors, including:

  • The type and duration of your chemotherapy treatment
  • Your overall health and stamina
  • The presence of any anticipated side effects

Your oncologist at Meridian Hospital will discuss your individual situation and determine if day care chemotherapy is the right option for you.

What to Expect During Day Care Chemotherapy at Meridian Hospital:

  • Pre-Treatment Consultation: Prior to starting your day care chemotherapy, you will meet with your oncologist to discuss the treatment plan, potential side effects, and answer any questions you may have.
  • The Day of Treatment: On the day of your treatment, you will arrive at the dedicated day care unit. Our nurses will check your vitals, insert an intravenous (IV) line, and administer your chemotherapy medication.
  • Monitoring and Support: Throughout your treatment, our nurses will closely monitor your condition and provide any necessary support or medication to manage potential side effects.
  • Post-Treatment Recovery: After your treatment is complete, you will be monitored for a short period before being discharged home with instructions for post-treatment care.

Meridian Hospital is committed to providing exceptional care throughout your cancer treatment journey. Our Day Care Chemotherapy program offers a convenient and supportive option for patients who qualify.


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