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    The field of medicine which uses technologies such as Radiation, Sound waves, Magnetic waves and many such methodologies to create Images of human body and its internal parts, so as to aid in diagnosing the possible disease or defect, is the department of Radiology.

    At meridian the department is strategically located adjacent to both Emergency / Casualty department and the Out-Patient Department so as the serve all the needs at the earliest. Quick and correct diagnosis can turn out to be the difference between life and death in many cases, so we have taken radiology department with a lot of serious thought and interest.


    Manned 24X7 by very well-trained radiology technicians who are critical in prompt and sharp imaging, the department boasts all modern and up-to-date technologies. A wide range of diagnostic procedures, such as X-rays, color doppler, fluoroscopy, mammography, CT scans, and MRI, are performed.

    To perform the precise and detailed interpretation of the images created, we have a team of expert consultants who are available round the clock. Tele-radiology is another boon to patients which allows consultants to get multiple opinions on ambiguous and inconclusive findings.


    Available Radiology Equipments 

    • X-Ray 
    • Mammogram : Early detection of breast cancer.
    • USG : Antenatal scans, problems in digestive system etc.
    • 128 slice CT :  Coronary angiogram capable, apart from other diagnostic modalities
    • 1.5T MRI : Capable of multi organ studies

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